Various names for the same cat
What that means ?
some terminology ..........
----- SIAMESE (siamois) ----- OLD-STYLE (ancien type) ----- TRADITIONAL(traditionnel) ----- THAÏ (thaï) -----

Why, at the present time, several names are heard ?
It is first of all necessary to go up in time and to understand that the "fashion" always had an important impact on the physical transformations of a race of cat. Just like the Persan one which did not have a nose as flat as now.
The fashion of years 60-70 was the appreciation of the lines to the extreme. What made disapeared the old-style Siamese in the cat-show world, but also near the breeders. This was the consequence of the constraints of the time or quite simply by defeatism. Fortunately, certain breeders persisted and continued the breeding of the Siamese of the origin.
This selected breed of Siamese met a frank success. The name of SIAMESE remained, and henceforth anchored to the new forms, long-limbed and very slender. One speaks then about an evolution of the race, as well as we continue to speak about Persan "transformed" with his nose, currently, completely flat.
It thus been necessary to find a name for the old-style Siamese, with the rounder forms and of squater aspect. The name of "THAI" was found to him, since originating in Thailand.
However, small historical background, the Siamese comes from Siam, Kingdom of Siam, we already said it, and its traces go up until XIV th century. The coup d'etat of June 24, 1932 in Siam is a transition without bloodshed from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. One changed the name of the country, which of Siam becomes Prathet Thai, "country of the Thais" or Thailand. This name implied a unit of all the people of language Thai. Another argument is etymological, the word thai also meaning "free" . The name of Prathet Thai initially is employed not officially between 1939 and 1945 then declared official on May 11, 1949.
Then, why had there modification of the name of the breed of a cat whose origins are clearly proven, and anchored in a population, whereas the "extreme" type is a pure fabrication and handling of the man ? Or is this a pure selection made by the man, who with in my opinion went too far ! ........
Evolution of time, evolution of manners, evolution of the breed.........
It is important to note that in the popular speech, "Siamese" is a squat cat, tubby with the round head. And not, of slender and slim form, such as one currently sees them in cat-show.
Moreover, before the transition from the Siamese term towards the Thai term, there exists on old pedigrees (in Belgium), the term " SIAMOIS THAÏ " (SIAMESE THAI). Not leaving any ambiguity on the morphology of the cat concerned. Certain breeders refused besides to qualify their Siamese as Thai ; for this reason we also find in Belgium over the pedigrees, the Siamese term, but this time, qualifying the traditional Siamese, the therefore round one. It acts of a return to the sources, by a refusal of the evolution of manners and habits.
American club PREOSSIA was the first to use term "OLD-STYLE" in order to officially define the name Siamese of an Old Type. In England, year 2000, was founded club OSSC, and used also this terminology.
The term " ANCIEN " (OLD) was also introduced in France, in order to differentiate it from Siamese, but also from Thai (see what it at the present time occurs to FRANCE).......
The term "TRADITIONAL" is a little total term, used in all the countries. It refers to Siamese of the origin, known in Siam and imported into England in end of the XIX th century.
And finally, one sees also the name " SIAMOIS DE NOS GRAND-MERES " ( SIAMESE OF OUR GRAND-MOTHERS). This called upon the morphology of Siamese before transformation, therefore about the years 1950-1960.
Of average size, the Thai must remain rustic like Siamese of our grandmothers. What makes the difference with the Siamese current one, it is especially the head which triangular but with angles is rounded and strong cheeks from where its name of "SIAMOIS A TETE RONDE " ( SIAMESE WITH ROUND HEAD ).

Various morphological origins
The Siamese "of origin" having almost disappeared, certain breeders would have crossed Siamese said the "modern one" with a rounder cat. Certain breeders were a little further at the time of these crossings, by taking cats of another breed (British shorthair, ordinary cats or domestic cats without known origins......), that gave a cat much rounder ====>>>Thai with unknown or cross lines.
Other breeders refused to cross their Siamese "old style ", it results from it a Siamese cat "old style " from pure line and very rare ====>>> Siamese of origin with traditional Siamese lines only, also taken again under "the Thai" name. These breeders thus do not accept to share their lines, which, also, results a form in a caste rather restricted and closed with blooming from the breed.
In fact, that the breeders of the pure lines refused to give their lines, it has been other breeders who took rounds Siamese to cross them with the modern ====>>>Thai with Siamese lines.
Thai can obviously contribute in the three forms mentioned above. Most important is that it should not in no case to resemble to the modern Siamese, which him, has its own standard ====>>> extreme morphology.
form too long, too pointed muzzle
average form muzzle, better balanced
too short muzzle, lack length
May I introduce you ARWEN du Cercle des Fées ?
ARWEN, is a british shorthair ................ she is seal point, her date of birth is july 09, 2006. She is borned to Michèle's, to the cattery "du Cercle des Fées" ( CH ). Amazing, isn't it ??? Not astonishing and especially not difficult to understand that the temptation of certain breeders, to marry Siamese and british, was large. Moreover, small recall, all the cats "color point " have the blue eyes.

The differents standards
Thai is the ancestor of modern Siamese, to which it should resemble in no way.
Is authorized only the marriages Thai X Thai.
Various standards of Siamese, European, northern of the American and CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association), of 1898 to our days:
Here the link which carries out you towards the site directly on the standards of the Siamese : SIAMESE standards
As you can see it, it is a question here of the Siamese's standards of all times, therefore including currently. The changes of morphology and the aspect of the Siamese following its evolution, are thus quite visible.
The standard of 1990 of the WCF (World Cat Federation) independent cat Association - Europe, Russia and South America
Here the link which carries out you towards the site directly on the web site WCF of the standard of the Thaï : web site WCF, Thaï standard
Standard of 2002 of the LOOF (Livre Officiel des Origines Félines) - France
Standard of 2007 of the TICA (The International Cat Association)- USA et world
Voici le lien qui vous donne le standard TICA du ThaïHere the link which carries out you towards the site directly the standard TICA of the Thaï :
link of standard TICA of THAI
The efforts of many impassioned breeders of Europe and North America, are finally rewarded.
What we miss is a single standard for all associations !!!! It would not have, in my opinion, to exist that only one standard relating to the aspect of Siamese of origins. From where complexity for an international cat-show judge to practise in various countries.
Wonderful news (september 2007) : there is now a draft-agreement between the LOOF and the WCF : here the link which leads you directly on this protocol : protocol between the LOOF and the WCF
A bringing together between the LOOF and the WCF has just been concludes.
- mutual recognition of the exposures, of the certificates of titles (of which the title of CACM - Champion of the World which will be affixed on pedigree LOOF)
- recognition of the judges.
The LOOF and the WCF come to ratify what was already, in fact, but which is from now on official. The harmonization of the standards, the recognition of the races, the training of the judges and the breeders form part of other essential subjects which will be discussed in the next months.

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Some History ............. |
And now ????............. |
Felin breed created from siamese cat ........ |
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