if you are looking for a Traditional Siamese ( Thaï) (male or female),
with very sweet character, liking the cuddles, good temperament, nice, with a
lot of love, then you can visit our home.


Only one litter 2024 :
wedding : Quadeisha princesse du Siam (WCF World Champion), lilac point & Urmel von der Diebeshöhle (WCF World Champion), seal point.
Possibilities of the kittens 's colours : SEAL point & CHOCOLATE point
We are waiting for the heats of our girl
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
adresse e-mail : chatteriedusiam@yahoo.fr

Family cattery with over 25 years of activity :
16 WCF World Champions
( World Cat Federation) 

Update on my 2021, 2022, 2023 litters: very soon
Year 2020
NANA-CHAN princesse du Siam ( blue tabby point, WCF World Champion)
& PLAYBOY von Penski ( seal point, WCF World Champion),
are happy to announce you the birth of their babies ;-)
3 males and 1 female
Date of birth: Saturday April 04 th 2020
1 female seal tabby point ; 1 male seal point ;
1 male seal tabby point ; 1 male chocolate point
Week 14 - July 12th 2020
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
Year 2019
LI-MING de la Pagode des Thais ( lilac tabby point, Championne du Monde WCF ) & SHUNICHI von Penski ( blue point, Champion du Monde WCF ), sont heureux de vous présenter leurs enfants de seconde et dernière noce ;-)
Kittens borned 09 of may 2019 (into their new family in the middle of August 2019):
- 1 male blue point
- 1 male lilac point
- 1 male lilac tabby point
- 1 girl lilac tabby point
- 1 girl lilac tabby point
Kittens at 7 weeks old
Année 2019
GUAN-YIN princesse du Siam ( lilac point, Championne du Monde WCF)
& NARUKI prince du Siam ( lilac point, Champion International ), sont super heureux de vous présenter leurs deux filles
Les chatons sont nés le 07 mai 2019 (Cession dès la mi- août 2019):
- 2 femelles de couleur lilac point
Les chatons à l'âge de sept semaines
NAVIGATION MENU : click on the direct link to go to your destination choice :
our BABIES 2019 : two litters
year 2018 : NO LITTER
Our BABIES : second litter 2017
Our BABIES : first litter 2017
Our BABIES :our litter 2016 ; GUAN-YIN & FELIX
Our BABIES : year 2015
Our BABIES : our litter 2014 : GENG-XIAN &THAITSUKI
Our BABIES : our litter 2013 ; GUAN-YIN & FELIX
Our BABIES : our second litter 2012 : DHARANI & AXEL
Our BABIES : our first litter 2012 ; CIDJY & THAITSUKI
Our BABIES : our second litter 2011 : VERYTHAI & URKHAN
Our BABIES : our first litter 2011 : DHARANI & AXEL
Our BABIES : our second litter 2010 ; CIDJY & THAITSUKI
Our BABIES : our first litter 2010 ; AKIRA & URKHAN
Our BABIES : our single litter 2009 ; CIDJY & THAITSUKI
Our BABIES : second litter for 2008 ; ARKANA & URKHAN
Our BABIES : first litter for 2008 ; VERYTHAI & URKHAN
NEXT LITTERS : plan and informations |
Année 2018 - aucune portée ...
Année 2017 - second litter
LANYING de la Pagode des Thais ( blue point, World Champion WCF ) & SHUNICHI von Penski ( blue point, Grand European Champion ), are proud to announce the birth of their children
Borned 28th of november 2017 : 4 kittens ... 2 females and 2 males
One female lilac point stays at home
Available for reservation :
1 female lilac point,1 male lilac point, 1 male blue point
pictures : 11 weeks old
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
Year 2017
LI-MING de la Pagode des Thais ( lilac tabby point, World Champion) & SHUNICHI von Penski ( blue point, Grand International Champion ), are really glad to present you their first babies ;-)
Kittens are borned June, 20. 2017 :
- 2 blue point boys (will live to-gether in their new family)
- 1 blue tabby point girl ( will stay at home )
kittens at 9 weeks old
Year 2016
GUAN-YIN princesse du Siam ( lilac point, WCF World Champion) & FELIX de la Pagode des Thaïs ( chocolate point, Grand European Champion ), are proud to present you their son, date of birth July, 11. 2016
Chocolate point
After a year off,
we are very happy to keep our child at home
commonly called
Merlin the Wizard is a legendary character, gifted magician prophet metamorphosis commander to the elements and animals in medieval literature. Merlin is a famous figure of the Arthurian legend
Merlin is mentioned regularly in the literature since the Middle Ages, which built its image by successive inspiration between different authors. Archetype of the sorcerer or magician, his name is often associated with the function of "enchanting", especially since the term was used as the French version of the famous cartoon of Walt Disney in the 1960s, The Sword in the Stone . |
« In a land of myth, and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin. » |
Merlin is a British television series in 65 episodes of 45 minutes created by Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Johnny Capps and Julian Murphy.. |
This series tells the youth of the mythical wizard Merlin in the kingdom of Camelot and his relationship with Prince Arthur. Laden by Kilgharrah, Grand Dragon trapped in the castle, to protect the future sovereign, it must conceal its powers in this age of terror against the sorcerers, wanted by King Uther Pendragon. |
PHOTOS week 8( September 05 ) |
You can follow the evolution of our boy, on this page, the Sunday as usual, from week to week. |
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
Year 2015
"sabbatical" year
no kitten for disposal
Are you looking for a little feline companion : just visit the Belgothai website, at the "kittens" page.
www.belgothai.be |
You can contact me for more information.
We will not have, unfortunaly, a second litter 2014
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
First litter 2014
GENG-XIAN princesse du Siam ( grande championne internationale ) & THAITSUKI vom Schloss zu Biebrich ( champion du Monde WCF ), are glad to announce the n birth of their 5 children :
dob : june, 02 2014
5 males
four boys : 2 seal point & 2 blue point
one boy : june 02 2014 - june 14 2014 |
Our kittens are born by caesarean |
A caesarean section is an abdominal surgery that opens the womb to extract phoetus of the uterus through an incision in the uterine wall. Each kitten should be revived because they are also under the influence of anesthesia mom.
The word "Caesarean" derives from the Latin caesar means child born incision (verb caedere: cut, incise) hence the nickname would (or cognomen) worn by Julius Caesar (which he inherited from one of his ancestors, he was born by Caesarean section)
The cognomen (plural cognomina) is the nickname of a Roman antiquity. After the first and last name (gentile), it generally was the third name of traditional tria nomina of Roman citizen.
A physical trait or origin were originally first nicknames: Calvus (bald), Varus (lame) Verrucosus (which has a wart), Flaccus (lop ears), Caecus (blind), Strabo (the ladle), Romanus (Roman), Sabinus (Sabin), etc..
Military achievement could be worth an honorary nickname Capitolinus, Torquatus, Coriolanus, Africanus.
Finally, Roman earthiness and some self-deprecating also began to use various unflattering nicknames: Crassus (large), Brutus (idiot) caudex (the log - figuratively, idiot), Paulus (puny) Balbus (the stutterer) Caecus (blind) Claudus (lame).
Women could have a cognomen, which followed their surname: Secunda, Tertia, Fausta, Maior. |
movie july 13 2014 : week 6
the boys SEAL point
They are eating : CLICK HERE |
The four boys are reserved
pictures September 06 2014 : week 14
pictures September 06 2014 : week 14
boys SEAL point
will go to chez Sidney, Laurence, Lisa-Marie and Tibeau
the little one is called : JITSU
the grand one is called : JIU
pictures September 06 2014 : week 14
boy BLUE point is called : JARON
will go to Maria-Anna, Gustave et Ganesha (our blue point boy 3 years old )
pictures September 06 2014 : week 14
boy blue point is called : J'THAO
will go to : Baptiste , Nathalie et Arnaud
My little darlings, only happiness for 14 weeks! Despite the cesarean of mom that she did not have enough milk, I gave you milk days and nights for 4 weeks. You were all I had to me. You will join your new family. I'm sad but at the same time filled because I know pertinement although you will be very happy with your new parents.
You will remain forever, all in my hear. |

Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
First litter 2013
GUAN-YIN princesse du Siam ( lilac point, european champion ) & FELIX de la Pagode des Thaïs ( chocolate point, europa champion ), are realy happy to announce the birth of their 3 kittens
thank you very much to Chantal to have accepted Guan-Yin to Félix's for breeding |
3 kittens are borned :
1 girl & 2 boys
date of birth :
august 30th 2013 |
they will our
Belgian chocolates
babies |
Belgian chocolate is a gastronomic specialty of Belgium. With 500 and 2000 chocolate shops in Belgium (one for every 5,500 inhabitants) in 2012, the Belgian consumes an average of 8 pounds of chocolate per person per year, one of the highest rates in the world. Belgium produces 172,000 tons of chocolate per year, the majority for export. This is one of the symbols of Belgian quality in the world. |

The reputation of Belgian chocolate is mainly due to the following characteristics:
- quality of ingredients selected (the selection of the cocoa beans);
- the care taken to roasting and grinding. Indeed, the very finely grinding is carried for Belgian chocolates unlike other;
- a particularly high rate of cocoa (usually 43% instead of 35% usually chocolate);
- the expertise of artisans
the pictures, december 01
( 13 weeks and 2 days old )
les photos de la fifille
IYOKO stays at home
les photos du gamin
IAGO ira chez Patricia à PAVANT (est de Paris)
les photos du gamin
IRON ira chez Monique , en Belgique
The 3 are reserved
Second litter 2012
DHARANI princesse du Siam ( blue tabby point, European champion) & AXEL Kahurangi ( lilac point, grand international champion ), are glad to announce the birth of their babies
AXEL Kahurangi |
thank you so much , Cindy |
5 kittens are borned,
1 girl & 4 boys
date of birth:
décember, 21th 2012 |
- day of the winter solstice: the shortest day and a fortiori the longest night of the year |
- first day of winter |
- following a Maya prediction : the day of an abrupt change or disappearance pure and simple of the humanity |

2012 In the words of several Oracles as Nostradamus or the Sibyl, the end of the world or the Apocalypse is scheduled for December 21, 2012 ! One of the most ancient calendars of the story comes to an end. December 21 of the year 2012, according to their traditions, the Maya indicate a radical and comprehensive worldwide. At the winter solstice 2012, they unequivocally confirm the END OF THE WORLD as we know it today. |
1 girl lilac point (reserved)
2 boys lilac point (both reserved)
2 boys lilac tabby point (both reserved)
Kittens will be availlable for end of March 2013
( just see the first litter of Dharani & Axel : click here )
pictures of March, 24 2013 / 13 weeks old and 2 days
H'ANAE : girl lilac point
HARUAKI : boy lilac tabby point
HAROUN : boy lilac tabby point
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
First litter 2012
CIDJY princesse du Siam ( WCF World Champion ) & THAITSUKI vom Schloss zu Biebrich ( grand European champion ), are glad to announce the birth of their babies : on March, 25th 2012
mam et dad
present to you the litter
the litter is composed of 4 kittens:
2 males et 2 girls
The " SOLARIS " litter is dedicaded to the sun, to the spring and to the renewal |
Sunday, March 25th was the day of changing hours. It is also the very early spring. |
pictures June, 24th 2012 / kittens are 13 weeks old
girl seal point : HANAE |
boy lilac point : HELIOS |
boy blue point : HINATEO |
No baby available !
Seconde litter 2011
VERYTHAI princesse du Siam ( blue point, Europa champion ) & URKHAN von Penski ( lilac point, World champion WCF ), are proud to announce the birth of their one baby ,
on november, 19th 2011
Moses' mother, who wanted to save her son's death, hid him for three months. But she knew that the existence of the child could not be kept secret any longer.
She took a basket made it sealed with a coating. She slept Moses and the cradle laid among the reeds of the Nile. She then charged Miriam, sister of the child, monitor the trash.
Pharaoh's daughter was soon down the Nile to bathe. Suddenly she saw the basket among the reeds. She sent a servant to take and bring her. Opening the basket, she was struck by the beauty of the child. Cried the little Moses and the princess took pity. She would not like to be put to death.
So Miriam went. Miriam said to Pharaoh's daughter: 'Do you want me to go get you an Israelite who gives the baby milk ?' 'Go,' replied the princess. Miriam ran to fetch his mother. When Moses' mother arrived, the princess said, 'Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I'll give you a salary.'
Moses' mother took her son and feeds him. When the child grew, and she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter who adopted her son. Thus Moses was introduced in the house of Pharaoh. (Exodus 2:1-10) |
Verythai, who has already had 2 litters, came to give us the best present for her last litter.
Never had Verythai's kittens kept at home, we are going to keep the baby .
May I present you GENG-XIAN, our princess of Siam, blue point girl
pictures of january, 11th 2012 / baby is 12 weeks old
No baby available !
First litter 2011
DHARANI princesse du Siam ( blue tabby point, champion of Europe) & AXEL Kahurangi ( lilac point, international champion ) are proud to announce to you the birth of their 4 babies
AXEL Kahurangi |
thank you so much , Cindy |
4 babies are borned on May, 11th 2011
they are the
August, 12 2011 / 13 weeks and 2 days
GLYCINE-OPALINE : girl blue tabby point |
GUAN-YIN : girl lilac point |
GENJIRO : boy lilac tabby point
August, 12 2011 / 13 weeks and 2 days |
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
New litter 2010
CIDJY princesse du Siam ( grand European champion ) & THAITSUKI vom Schloss zu Biebrich ( grand European champion ), are glad to announce the birth of their babies : on August, 12th 2010
3 boys :
they are the 3 MusCATeers |
One for all , All for one ! |
however, the 3 Musketeers were 4 ....... |
the pictures : 13 week old :
boy seal point : FUSAAKI
boy blue point : FUJI |
boy chocolate point : FRODON |
the family , 13 weeks old ...... |
The colours are: seal point , blue point and chocolate point. Three differents colours for our three boys.
the page "galery photos" of the first litter of Mom Cidjy & Dad Tsuki ( in '2009 ) is availlable with following this link : click here
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
Our first litter 2010 is arrived
AKIRA de Shatazou (European champion) & URKHAN von Penski ( World champion WCF (World Cat Federation), are the happy parents of three children
1 girl and 2 boys
Babies have saw the world at february, 15th.
By adoption ........ |
........ and with love |
Akira did not have a childbirth ! In the the 68ème day my veterinary surgeon and myself took the decision to carry out a Caesarean. The operation proceeded very well. Three superb kittens “were born”: Monday February 15.
There are a girl and two boys.
The big problem, and that can occur, the mom does not recognize her kittens ! Many tests were carried out. Akira blows with each time I present her kittens to her. For her, in its mind, she does not have babies ! Akira is thus not in the presence of these kittens !
Currently, the kittens go well. I replaced the mom !!! Each 2 hours - 2 hours 30, day and night, I give them milk necessary to their survival. Also, because obligatory, I carry out the gestures necessary for the toilet of the kittens. All this, in theory, is carried out by the mom. For memory, a kitten does not go to the toilet of itself, it is stimulated by the mom.
I have asked to Arkana (half-sister of Akira) to have a look for the babies, and she has accepted them OUF… since the night of Saturday February 20th, they are together. That’s reduces of stimulation for the wee and saddles. It will remain me to soak .....
Not being “cat breeder”, I am absolutely not considered as such, I have only litters of kittens for the love of the race (Siamese breed). I have a duty to do all that is in my capacity in order to help and “to keep” in life the kittens of Akira.
If we, the kittens and myself, arrive at the goal, the girl will remain at our home. I could not certainly separate me. More especially as I decided to sterilize (surgical operation) Akira which will remain near us, and I hope for her of any heart, near her daughter. I do not wish any more to try the adventure with Akira.
News of march, 08th ( age : 3 weeks ) : One of the two kids definitively closed the eyes this day! Once upon 5 days, he underwent an attack of the higher respiratory tracts. All was done to look after him and maintain him in life. The disease was right against our engagements. Today, my kid joined the skies, to the paradi of cat-children. My kid, you lived three weeks, you will remain forever in a corner of our heart.
Having received only “artificial” colostrum, the kittens could not be sufficiently immunized. All can consequently still arrive! Currently, our girl and our kid go to wonder. They make already the joy of their human parents. Arkana is a true mom, she care admirably of " their " children. I would be eternally grateful to her.
News of march, 28th ( age : 6 weeks ) : the kittens began their weaning. All is right now normally life. They left the " nest " for the full adventure, discovered and surprised, in our " baby room ". We take the decision that, not only the girl remains with us, but also the kid. It is absolutely impossible for us to separate us from our two babies.
I thank all the people having supported us in all these tests : the heavy task of a breeding a little " complicated and delicate " , but also the large concern which we met (only some people is with the current of these events). I thank each person interested by one for our children ( waiting list ), and unfortunately will not have satisfaction immediately. |
The boy is SEAL POINT, the girl is CHOCOLATE POINT
The pictures at 13 weeks old, the babies and their adoptive mother Arkana
FUJIAN, girl chocolate point
FUMIAKI, boy seal point
Pictures at 13 weeks old
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
Our actuals babies will stay at our home, but do not hesitate to contact us for information about our next litters.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
Our "2009" litter
CIDJY princesse du Siam (European champion) & THAITSUKI vom Schloss zu Biebrich (European champion ), are glad to announce to you the birth of their babies : two girls and one boy !
The birthdate is May, 13th 2009
Mom and Dad |
The pictures : already 14 weeks and a half !!! ...
ETHRA, girl blue point
ELFIE, girl seal point
ENZO, boy blue point
the pictures : 14 weeks and a half
ENZO prince du Siam |
mâle blue point
THAI (old-style siamese) né le 13 mai 2009,
maman : CIDJY princesse du Siam, grande championne d'Europe
papa : THAITSUKI vom Schloss zu Biebrich, champion d'Europe
Le petit "bouchon" de Liège est devenu Cantalou par adoption, chez Dominique & Jacky |
the kittens gallery for our litter 2009 is openend
direct link : click here
Our second "2008" litter
ARKANA PRINCESSE DU SIAM ( Europa Champion ) & URKHAN VON PENSKI ( World champion WCF (World Cat Federation), are the parents of our second litter of the year 2008.
The litter is composed of : two girls and two boys.
The pictures ! WEEK # 13 ..... Will you discover their photos album in a new gallery, and just follow their evolution, click here
go to top
Our first "2008" litter
Here are the pictures of my babies, my first litter 2008. See them in their new pictures gallery, click here
go to top

Our next litters :
We have only two litters per year, just for love for the breed and the respect towards our cats.
And only one litter alone !
In the following mounths :
Geng-Xian (blue point) and Thaitsuki (seal point) ,
Colour possible : seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point
After, summer 2014, if all is ok, Cidjy will meet Thaitsuki. The 4 colours can be present (seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point) |
Please, visit our "Info & Conditions" page.
You can contact me for more information. If you are
interested by one of our kittens, and also for reservation, could you send me an e-mail, I will
contact you with pleasure. I thank you.
go to top

Here are the pictures of my babies second litter 2007

go to top
The pictures........Our kittens of 2007 (first litter).
they have their galery 

go to top

Our kittens of last year (2006) 
BENJI, sweet male blue point, BEST in SHOW in Baby
class at Dison catshow, the 29th october 2006
You can see this litter in clicking here.
For more information's : contact me
0032.472 59 83 81 .
NEW : our
little kitties were showed at the cat show in gand( Belgium) ,the 18th December 2005,
and they received BEST IN SHOW in litter shorthair division.

go to top

Do not hesitate to seeing again this page regularly: we shall inform you about the evolution ,you
can also see our previous kittens on "gallery"