La fleur, Chats de Paris,
Oh ! La jolie fleur dans la vitrine !
Oui c'est un petit pavot blanc.
Je ne vous parle pas des petits pavots, je vous montre la fleur d'en bas, tachetée de clair et de sombre, veloutée, avec deux gouttes de rosée qui brillent, et de grandes étamines blanches pointues ...
Tiens je me trompais, ce n'est pas une fleur, c'est un chat ...
Colette |

Guan-Yin had followed the way of the "World Cat Federation ".
Since june 21 2014,
GUAN-YIN is World Champion (diploma delivered by the WCF) (veuillez parcourir la page "expo" afin de connaitre le parcours effectué)
We are very proud of our girl
the 17th of April 2011 : Cidjy was at the Cat World Show in Oberhausen (Germany), for the title of World champion, recognize by the WCF (World Cat Federation)
CIDJY is World Champion (diploma delivered by the WCF) (will you see the page "cat shows " to know his mileage)
New for a Thai female living Belgium !!!
We are very proud of our daughter
Liege catshow april, 11th 2010
THAITSUKI 1st CACM and Best in Variety

1999/2009 : at the end of July 1999, the "Association Autonome des Amateurs de Félins" organized an international catshow at Tirlemont. For my first show and exhibitor, I was very proud to show OPIUM princesse de la Chapelle d'Argent, girl in seal point colour. Our Opium, in addition to its first CAC, obtained Best in Variety. This year, the AAAF organizes an international catshow at Hannut, on August 2. I will have the extrem pleasure to present the very grand daughter of Opium, but worthy representing Siamese gente. DHARANI princess of Siam of color blue tabby point. she will already compete for its second CAC.
2000/2009 : on July 3rd, 2000, Opium gave rise to 4 splendid kittens (see " page; galeries"). This year, CIDJY princess of Siam, little daughter of Opium, has currently 3 marvellous kittens (see " page; kittens "). Opium, as for it, enjoys a retirement deserved well near his/her children and small children (see " page; dogs and cats ").
THAITSUKI, our little boy in the colour Seal point has joined our family ! We are very proud to present you our little Love.
You can go to his page click here
AKIRA, our little girl in the colour Seal point has joined our family ! We are very proud to present you our little sweet Love.
You can go to her page click here
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International Catshow : WAALRE (the Nederlands), november 02nd, 2008 :
THAITSUKI ( male 6/10 mounths) : Ex 1 + Best Variety Seal point + Best Colour point (short hair) + nomined BIS + BIS
AKIRA ( femele 6/10 mounths) : Ex 1 + nomined BIS + BIS
CIDJY ( adult femele ) : Ex 1 + 1st CAGCI + Best Variety Blue point
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International catshow : UTRECHT (Nederlands), january 25th 2009 :
CIDJY : Ex 1 + CACE + nomBIS
BENJI prince du Siam
( daddy : URKHAN ; mum : VERYTHAI )
ex 1 + CAGCE + BIV + nomBIS
is now
Grand European champion

I'm so proud of my son , thank you Bianca & Bram |
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BelgoThaï is the "rendez vous" of familial breeders, passionates of the Thaïs, traditional Siameses. Come to discover a website entirely dedicated to the race, with many articles and illustrations.

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Siamois-Thaï is our New Web site (under construction) with a lot of FELINE INFO about the Thaï, traditional Siamese. (only in french)

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the 3rd and 4th of november 2007 : Urkhan was at the international cat show in Sousse, Tunisia, for the title of World champion, recognize by the WCF (World Cat Federation)
URKHAN is World Champion (diploma delivered by the WCF) (will you see the page "cat shows " to know his mileage)
New for a Thai living Belgium !!!
We are very proud of our son
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