At the age of two, Opium gave birth to her first litter which was the start of our small and familial cat breeding. Now, we breed the Siamese Thai, the Siamese (new type), and the Oriental kind (please, visit the link: "Les Merveilles de l'Orient Cattery"). We have Siamese and Orientals cats, of " actuel type ". However, we stopped the breeding of this type, because we are absolutely not agree with the morphology met in cat-shows! So we devote ourselves only to breed, family, of Siamese under its old morphology. Aspect of Siamese such as had knowned our grandparents. Here the link which leads you to our Siamese and Orientals : Our cats live with us and are an integral part of our life.
We live in Grace-Hollogne, near Liège, in Belgium. We hope you will enjoy our site and we wish you a good "surfing"!
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