Sire: MOWGLY of the Blue Life , blue point
Dam : OPIUM Princesse de la Chapelle d'Argent , seal point

DOB the 31st July 2001 , year "S" :1blue point  and 3 blue point.
We will keep one of the little and we will call her "SUSHI" 

What they become....

SUSHI, nicknamed " ma petite chérie" , blue point female , is staying with us.
It is an angel of kindness and love.
SAIKA , blue point female , Lives a great passion with her owner. ( Herstal)
SAKURA, blue point female , Livis living with true big cats, in the Gabon (Africa)
SOKO , blue point male , is the king inside and outside his home , he makes his owner very happy.(Heppigines)

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